Baby & Toddler Room
Our Baby and Toddler room is located upstairs and caters for children from birth to 3 years. We will always liaise with parents should we feel that their child is ready to transition down into the pre-school room, this is usually around the age of two and a half onwards.
The room is run by our Room Leader Roxie and our Deputy Room Leader Tash and they are supported by 5 staff on a daily basis, we are able to have 22 children in at any one time, of those 22 children 12 are 0 - 2 years and are on a ratio of 1 adult to 3 childrenĀ and 10 are 2 - 3 years and are on a ratio of 1 adult to 5 children.
Children aged 2 and under will be provided with a daily diary to allow staff to communicate effectively with you about your child's day. This will contain details of their food, sleep, nappies and activities whilst they have been here.
The room is very spacious and free flow allowing the children to initiate and lead their own play on a daily basis supported by knowledgeable and qualified staff who will plan individual activities to develop and challenge their learning to the next stage. We also plan new and exciting ideas for the children following our provocation planning to allow the children to develop their awareness of the world around them.
Each child is allocated a Key Person who will ensure their routine is upheld, carry out observations and planning and meet with parents once a term to discuss their child's development and next steps.
The children will access the garden area twice a day, we access the garden in all weathers as this allows the children to develop all their senses of the world around them and we are firm believers in 'There is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing'. We are always mindful of weather warnings and this will be discussed on a daily basis to ensure the children's safety and suitability. We therefore ask that you provide your child with a waterproof suit and wellies, these can be kept in setting if you would prefer.

The Baby and Toddler room has a separate Sleep Room to allow the children undisturbed sleep, the room is linked with a baby monitor and staff also carry out regular checks on the room too. We follow the 'back to sleep' guidance and are firm believers of children developing their own sleep routines but self waking and do not wake the children from their sleeps unless this is medically needed.
We ask parents to provide nappies for their child, we will provide fragrance free wipes for your child throughout their day but we ask if there are any speciality wipes needed that these are supplied.
We take the children on outings to the local environment on regular occasions to explore the works around them such as the river, local park and pets at home.